Tag Archives: Liberation Unleashed

Liberation Unleashed Meeting with Ilona 12th November, 2016

Welcome to another podcast of LU meeting. In the first part, we had Deep Looking sessions, led by Ilona. If you’d like to follow and experience the session for yourself as if you were in the room, listen to the recording and use the pause button. When you go into feeling, pause the recording and [...]

LU meeting in Ipswitch, U.K., with Christian

This meeting was held in Ipswitch and it was a little different. It was organised by one of LU guides, Christian Shadlock. There are three files – The first file is Christian’s intro and guided introspection, then the next two are a general discussion. Enjoy the recordings. http://www.liberationunleashed.com/LU_Audio/LU Ipswich 1.mp3 http://www.liberationunleashed.com/LU_Audio/LU Ipswich 2a.mp3 http://www.liberationunleashed.com/LU_Audio/LU Ipswich [...]

Liberation Unleashed Meeting 16th of April, 2016

The latest recording of LU meeting with Ilona. This was a rather unusual meeting as we did not have any visitors that came to the meeting to look. Everyone there were  more interested in talking about what happens after and we discussed some ideas that showed up. This wasn’t a regular LU type of meeting, [...]

Liberation Unleashed meeting with Ilona Feb 27th, 2016

The latest recording of LU meeting with Ilona. Enjoy. http://www.liberationunleashed.com/LU_Audio/lu_feb27_2016_p1.mp3 http://www.liberationunleashed.com/LU_Audio/lu_feb27_2016_p2.mp3

Liberation Unleashed Meeting with Ilona, December 2015

The latest recording of LU meeting with Ilona. This time the group was smaller and so it was more focused. Enjoy. http://www.liberationunleashed.com/LU_Audio/LUmeeting_10_10_15_p1.mp3 http://www.liberationunleashed.com/LU_Audio/LUmeeting_10_10_15_p2.mp3  

Liberation Unleashed Meeting with Ilona, September 2015

The latest recording of LU meeting with Ilona. This time we met up North. Thanks to Sarah for organising it. It was great to meet people that live across the country and get them to come together and share their experiences. We had a sceptic, that was curious and open minded, so everyone that has [...]

11th of July Liberation Unleashed Meeting with Ilona

The latest recording of LU meeting in Worthing with Ilona. http://www.liberationunleashed.com/LU_Audio/11_7_2015_LU_p1.mp3 http://www.liberationunleashed.com/LU_Audio/11_7_2015_LU_p2.mp3

Liberation Unleashed Meeting with Ilona 9th of May 2015

The latest recording of LU meeting in Worthing with Ilona. This group was quite big and there was a mixture of people. In the first part we talked about various topics. The second part was experiential looking. Hope you enjoy listening. http://www.liberationunleashed.com/LU_Audio/9may2015LUmeetingP1.mp3 http://www.liberationunleashed.com/LU_Audio/9may2015LUmeetingP2.mp3  

Vajralila interviews Hannah for Liberation Unleashed

An interview with LU guide Hannah. Enjoy! http://www.liberationunleashed.com/LU_Audio/vajralila_hannah.m4a

Direct Pointing at The Wilbury Clinic, with Ilona.

A session with Ilona at Wilbury Clinic in Hove. Ilona was invited to hold a direct pointing session with therapists. This was intense and focused guiding, working with the group and looking together. Part 1 part 2 Part 3 Part 4

Liberation Unleashed Meeting with Ilona July 26th, 2014

The latest recording of LU meeting in Worthing with Ilona. In this meeting we had few people that did not hear about LU or no self, so it was a lot of pointing and gentle guiding. Thank you for listening. http://www.liberationunleashed.com/LU_Audio/LU_July_26th_2014_p1.mp3 http://www.liberationunleashed.com/LU_Audio/LU_July_26th_2014_p2_2.mp3  

LU meeting in Worthing with Ilona 8/3/2014

http://www.liberationunleashed.com/LU_Audio/LU_march8_p1.mp3 http://www.liberationunleashed.com/LU_Audio/LU_march8_p2.mp3 The latest recording of LU meeting in Worthing with Ilona.

Liberation Unleashed Meeting In Worthing, with Ilona, January 2014

http://www.liberationunleashed.com/LU_Audio/Jan11th2014P1.mp3 http://www.liberationunleashed.com/LU_Audio/Jan11th2014P2.mp3 The latest recording of LU meeting in Worthing with Ilona.  

Liberation Unleashed Meeting with Ilona, October 2013

http://www.liberationunleashed.com/LU_Audio/october_part_1.mp3 http://www.liberationunleashed.com/LU_Audio/october_part_2.mp3 This time all participants were already after ‘the gate’. It was great to share experiences and explore the afters.  

Liberation Unleashed Meeting with Ilona, August 2013

Part 1 Part 1

LU meeting in Worthing, 13th of July

This time it was relaxing and light meeting. One seeker showed up and the veil has dropped for him in the first 15 minutes. In the second part there was a session of Deep Looking, a technique that allows one to go inside and listen to how mind and heart feels. Part 1 Part 2

Liberation Unleashed in Costa Rica with Elena Nezhinsky with Spanish Translation

  http://www.liberationunleashed.com/LU_Audio/SP-CR-0114.MP3 http://www.liberationunleashed.com/LU_Audio/SP-CR-0115.MP3 http://www.liberationunleashed.com/LU_Audio/SP-CR-0117.MP3 http://www.liberationunleashed.com/LU_Audio/SP-CR-0119.MP3 http://www.liberationunleashed.com/LU_Audio/SP-CR-0123.MP3 These files are recordings from February 2013 satsangs, small group works and individual in San Jose, Costa Rica. If the file is 1.5 hour, then its satsang, more then 2 hours its a talk in the beginning and then work with people. Translation by Jenny Ortuno

Enlightening Quotes Section 10: After Gate

Enlightening Quotes Section 9: Gate

Enlightening Quotes Section 8: Looking

Enlightening Quotes Section 7: Exercises

Enlightening Quotes Section 6: Story

Enlightening Quotes Section 5: Labeling and Language

Enlightening Quotes Section 4: Direct Experience

Enlightening Quotes Section 3: Fear.

Enlightening Quotes Section 2: Expectations.

Enlightening Quotes Section 1: Introduction

LU meeting with Ilona May 2013

http://www.liberationunleashed.com/LU_Audio/LU_meeting_May_part_1Mono128kbps.mp3 http://www.liberationunleashed.com/LU_Audio/LU_meeting_May_part_2Mono128kBps.mp3 This was a small meeting which was perfect for close up investigation of fear and how to look behind it.

LU Meeing with Ilona, April 2013

http://liberationunleashed.com/LU_Audio/LU_meeting_13th_april_part_1.mp3 http://liberationunleashed.com/LU_Audio/LU_meeting_13th_april_part_2.mp3 To save the files on computer right click and press “save as”

LU Meeting with Ilona March 2013

http://www.liberationunleashed.com/LU_Audio/LUmeeting_16_03_2013_Worthing_P1.mp3 http://www.liberationunleashed.com/LU_Audio/LU_meeting_16_03_2013_Worthing_P2.mp3  

LU meeting with Ilona November 2012

http://www.liberationunleashed.com/LU_Audio/2012-11-24%20LU%20meeting%20part1.MP3 http://www.liberationunleashed.com/LU_Audio/2012-11-24%20LU%20meeting%20part2%20deep%20looking.MP3 http://www.liberationunleashed.com/LU_Audio/2012-11-24%20LU%20meeting%20part3.MP3

Liberation Unleashed London Meeting with Ilona May 2012

http://www.liberationunleashed.com/LU_Audio/2012-05-12%20LU%20London%20part%201.mp3 http://www.liberationunleashed.com/LU_Audio/2012-05-12%20LU%20London%20part%202.mp3

Buddha at the Gas Pump Interview

Elena’s Interview with Jerry Katz

Elena’s Interview with Jerry Katz: April 9th, 2013

Ilona’s interview with the Wizard, John Troy

http://liberationunleashed.com/LU_Audio/IlonaWizardRadioDec27th2011.mp3 Ilona’s interview with the Wizard, John Troy: Dec 27th, 2011 John Troy writes: “Ilona, you were one of the most authentic guests we have had on Conversations with Avant-garde Sages. Fresh, clear, innocence, sentience and immediate without all the mental clutter. Thank you for sharing with our audience. It was our privilege.”