Tag Archives: Elena Nezhinsky

Liberation Unleashed in Costa Rica with Elena Nezhinsky with Spanish Translation

  http://www.liberationunleashed.com/LU_Audio/SP-CR-0114.MP3 http://www.liberationunleashed.com/LU_Audio/SP-CR-0115.MP3 http://www.liberationunleashed.com/LU_Audio/SP-CR-0117.MP3 http://www.liberationunleashed.com/LU_Audio/SP-CR-0119.MP3 http://www.liberationunleashed.com/LU_Audio/SP-CR-0123.MP3 These files are recordings from February 2013 satsangs, small group works and individual in San Jose, Costa Rica. If the file is 1.5 hour, then its satsang, more then 2 hours its a talk in the beginning and then work with people. Translation by Jenny Ortuno

Buddha at the Gas Pump Interview

Elena’s Interview with Jerry Katz

Elena’s Interview with Jerry Katz: April 9th, 2013